
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Maritime radio - VHF course

Derrick, Pam, Darla; keeners at the front of the class

I've bought a VHF radio and the law requires that I take a course to get my ROC(M) - Restricted Operators Certificate (Maritime). There's a fine of $250 if I use my radio without the certificate, if I get caught of course!

A group of 23, a lot of them kayakers, were on hand last night to take the course. Last night we covered the basics - phonetic alphabet, making a "MAYDAY" call and a tour of the facility where distress calls are received.

We were applauded for making the investment in a VHF radio. When I bought mine I had selfish reasons - its a safety thing. I was thinking of my own Bravo Uniform Tango Tango. Last night I learned I could be part of a larger picture. As kayakers, we may not be able to come to the assistance of a large vessel in distress but we could relay a distress call if they don't get a response to their call. Or we could call in the sighting of a navigational hazzard.

Next week its the DSC - Digital Selective Calling part of the course and the exam. That means I've got a week of Sierra Tango Uniform Delta Yankee because I want to Papa Alpha Sierra Sierra.

This is where your distress call comes in

The Canadian Coast Guard monitors the emergency VHF Channel 16 (and others) at this location. If you make a "Mayday" call at sea in the Avalon area, these are the people you're counting on to send someone to save your Alpha Sierra Sierra.


  1. While I work on radios on a daily basis I have an assigned C/S.With the VHF do they just let you join the net under any C/S?IE Kilo1?

  2. Not sure what you mean by C/S (handle?)but when making a distress, urgent or safety call you indicate its boat so-and-so calling. I intend to just say its "KAYAK TONY".

    My VHF also has DSC and I have to apply to Industry Canada to get a number to program into the unit so my identity is automatically sent with the call.

    That's as much as I know at this point.

    Tony :-)

  3. Thanks tony. yeah I was referring to handles or Callsigns.I didnt realize the number was sent VIA the radio that's kinda cool.

    Dont worry man,the voice procedure becomes second nature after a while.Just use it talking to the wife,not only will you irritate her you'll have it down to a science.

    Just remember .....Brevity!
