
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Top 10 paddles of 2009 - #8

Along the shore; destination Bacon Cove

What puts this paddle on a top 10 list? A couple of things. It was a winter day's paddle. Days of suitable weather to paddle in the winter are rare. I got one on February 26th and made the best of it.

It was a trip back in time in 2 ways. A trip back to 542 million years go, to the Cambrian period. I had been to the site where the Cambrian beds are exposed almost 40 years ago and I wasn't sure I'd remember where to find it. But find it I did and had a deja vu moment.

Basal beds of Cambrian rocks on the Avalon

The Cambrian period represents the first period of geology when life forms exploded on the earth. There was life previous to the Cambrian but in the Cambrian, life expanded and diversified leading to, ultimately, the blogger!

Here Cambrian beds lie unconformably on Conception group rocks. The Conception rocks were exposed and eroded for millions of years before sea levels rose and the Cambrian beds deposited.

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