
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Its a small world

Stan in Placentia Bay last summer

I recently got a bunch of old Sea Kayaker magazines from Dan and I've been making my way through them.

February 2001 cover had a watercolour painting of a paddler in Qoornoq, Greenland. I looked through the table of contents and read the articles that interested me. Then I turned to the "Letters to the Editor". One letter was a response to a previous letter wherein the writer referred to kayakers who had misadventures as idiots. Interesting. The letter continued on the next page and as I turned the page a name caught my eye - one Stan MacKenzie from Fort St. John in BC.

I said to myself "hey, wow, its a small world". Five years after that letter I met Stan on a KNL paddle in Aquaforte after he had moved to Newfoundland. Since then we've struck up a great friendship and have shared many great days paddling.

I always find this kind of happenstance interesting.

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