
Friday, July 30, 2010


Mirror image

I've heard the tragic story before, identical twins separated at birth to be adopted by different families. Neither aware of the other and leading almost identical lives with similar interests. A chance meeting and two lives converged again, feeling they've been made whole again.

Not so dramatic last evening but I was pleased to see Malcolm pull up with his similarly coloured Nordkapp. We were at St. Philips along with 5 others to play in the wind and waves on a beautiful summer evening. Its a regular happening Thursday evenings, practicing in the conditions as we find them. Sometimes its calm but last evening we had 20 knot winds with wind waves on average 1 metre.

I paddled boxes: beat into the waves, turn 90 and paddle in the beam sea, turn 90 and ride the following sea, turn another 90 and repeat.

Some excellent surf rides, a small recompense for the work of paddling upwind. It sure is an exhilarating feeling when the wave is caught just right and the kayak shoots ahead on the face of the wave like being shot out of a cannon.


And so, the twins would be separated again to lead their own lives but satisfied with a great evening of playing in the wind and waves.


  1. Any "on the water" shots? I was on a family excursion around the bay on Thursday and got home too late to make it to St. P. I did manage to get out on the pond at Point LaHaye beach for an hour or so and that was pretty windy.

  2. Had to smile. We have two Current Designs, sisters, but not twins. One is a year older than the other. You can feel their playful "spirit" when out together in the waves. When paddling alone, my boat reflects a "wistfulness". Or maybe that's just me, the paddler. :-)


  3. No "on the water" shots this time Sean. Feeling a bit whimsical Thursday evening when Malcolm showed.

    Duncan, Malcolm's boat is the LV version but the camera finds difference is hard to distinguish. It does add a bit of "spirit" anyway doesn't it!

    Tony ;-)
