
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

On personal faults

Brian and Derrick - popping in and out of view in the swell

Faults, I have many. A lot of them I've been made aware of throughout almost 33 years of marriage *lol* but some I recognize myself. One is that I'm a creature of habit. I like routine and predictability, I like to plan my days. Tuesday I go to Topsail Pond to practice strokes etc. Wednesdays I go to the gym and Thursday I practice kayak stuff at St Philips, hopefully in conditions.

Yesterday evening (Tuesday) Derrick called and asked if I was interested in a paddle on Wednesday, my gym day. I thought for a second and said sure. Its not that I don't do things on the spur of the moment, just not often. Its something I should do more often and I'm working on it.

Today I was glad that I was flexible because we had an excellent paddle from Bay Bulls to Witless Bay. I'll go to the gym tomorrow and pay my dues there for a good time today.

The swell gets bigger

The swell in Bay Bulls harbour where we put in gave us an indication that the swell outside was going to be in the 2 metre range. When we got outside we found a sizeable swell with moderately confused seas due to waves rebounding off the cliffs. It was fun.

Brian in Bay Bulls harbour

Derrick in Bay Bulls harbour

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