
Friday, August 24, 2012

Onward merry men

The track to Merry Harbour

Saturday and Sunday saw us put in almost 70 kms to get out to Merasheen Island, down its east coast and across the south coast.  Monday we were on our way back and making our way up the west side

Fog returns

Winds from the southeast brought back fog to Merasheen Island.

 Tucked in

We stuck close to the shore to escape the wind while the massive hills of the Friar loomed above us in the fog.

Virgin Cove

Entering Virgin Cove we saw the impressive "Pissing Mare Falls".

Virgin Cove is only an hour paddle away from Little Merasheen so there was no plan to stay here.  But, it is an attractive camping location with plenty of room for tents and fresh water.  Some of the guys climbed over boulders to the falls until they were above the tree line.

Dough Ball Cove

We stopped at Dough Ball Cove for lunch.  There was just enough room at the extreme left to take out in calm water.  I spotted a fish tub washed up on the beach that I used to shelter the stove from the wind to cook lunch - a delicacy - Kraft Cheese Dinner.

Setting up

I was skeptical about the suitability of Merry Harbour as a campsite when we were planning the trip.  The contour lines on the topo suggested it was, the air photo not so conclusive.  It proved to be an excellent location.  We were protected from the wind by the trees, flat ground and water nearby.

 Dining room

After setting up the tents we got together for supper.


Clyde surveys the shoreline we had just paddled up.  Fog persisted, it got misty and rain was in the air.

Another fire

There wasn't a lot of driftwood in Merry Harbour but we were able to get enough by cutting down dead trees.
It rained

The rain did come and for a time in torrents.  No matter, we hung in there determined to enjoy the campfire.


The rain stopped and Neville got to work sawing off a pile of green boughs.  Then all at once onto the fire.  It took a while for the fire to catch but once it did it turned a small fire into a conflagration.  Smoke swirled around and the heat intense.  Comments of OMG etc.  Minutes later the fire returned to  near normal size and we dried off in its glow.  As it died down we scattered the ashes and toddled off to our tents.  The rain returned, serenading us off to sleep as it fell on the tents.

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