So, I haven't paddled in 3 weeks but I have a good excuse. I've come down with something medical, nothing serious, that has kept me off the water. The condition makes it uncomfortable to do anything let alone paddle. But, its getting better every day and I'm thinking I'll soon get back to paddling. And, just in time!
Every year at this time I start looking at the sea ice cover and the wind direction. I'm checking where the sea ice is relative to where I live. Four days ago the sea ice was north of my position:
It looked promising if the wind direction would be predominantly north or northeast as it would drive the ice down to us on the Avalon Peninsula. So far we've had a long stretch of northerly winds and today's sea ice cover shows it has blown our way as the following picture shows:
This sea ice is first year pan ice that freezes north of us every year and is only about a meter thick. Many years the predominant southwest winds blow it too far offshore for us to get to. But, when its accessible its a lot of fun paddling around and through channels in the ice.
One memorable day I spent in the sea ice was way back on 27 March 2009 when I paddled in Torbay. It was a super day of paddling topped off with lunch on an ice pan after I ran the kayak up onto it. I was still paddling my Necky Looksha IV. Check it out here from an old post.
I think it might happen again this year if the wind would sit down for a day.
3 days ago