
Monday, January 3, 2011

Common sense

St. Philips on a good day

What do ya do when this, looks like ...

St. Philips on a not so good day

this ... something other than kayak!

We had planned a Christmas Eve paddle like we did for the first time last year. A powerful Nor'Easter descended on Newfoundland the week leading into Christmas. It, combined with an unusually high tide, drove a lot of water into Conception Bay. The strong winds pushed the water into breaking waves that almost swallowed the wharf.

Sizing up the situation we canned plans for a paddle; it just wasn't safe. It was a huge disappointment but it came down to safety as it always should. There's no need for bravado, no need to prove anything only to paddle another day.

1 comment:

  1. Good judgment call. That is the first line of defence. Then, skills. Then gear. In that order.
