In 2010 Ralph, Stan and I were on hand for the funeral of Grand Bruit on the South Coast. The community was being resettled and we were there to witness it. On December 31, 2019 the community of Little Bay Islands was effectively resettled as the last ferry departed and services were discontinued. Only two people decided to stay and live independently.
December 31st was not a time of year to be caught on the northeast coast of Newfoundland in a kayak if a person wanted to enjoy it. So we waited for summer. On July 15th Brian, Clyde, Hazen Neville and I set off from home to see the depopulated community.
It was an almost six hour drive from home to our jumping off location of Miles Cove on Sunday Cove Island. We arrived at 4:00, loaded our kayaks and set off for Paddocks Bight a short distance away into a little breeze. The late hour mandated it would be our campsite for the night.
Forty minutes later we arrived glad to see plenty of green open space.
The northerly breeze was chilly but we were happy to arrive; the kayaks hauled up on the pebbly beach.
There were two cabins on site, one of which had occupants. We walked over to see a Mr. Hewlett and inquire about permission to camp. He said we could camp anywhere and as the owners of this cabin weren't around we ducked in behind and tucked our tents out of the wind.
Beautiful roses on site!
Prior to leaving Hazen proposed we each purchase two beer varieties from Quidi Vidi Brewery to sample and rate each night of the trip. He even purchased green wool hats for the beer tasters. All for one and one for all. Notice the book in hand to record the evaluations from 1 - 10.
As the evening wore on the temperature dipped further. Luckily there was enough wood to gather for a fire for heat. We had to stand however as the smoke followed us around so we had to keep moving. There'd be no sitting in wobbly chairs this evening.
Eventually the sleeping bags called to us. We were content to be where we were and in the morning we'd be off to Little Bay Island.
Here are the breadcrumbs.
8 hours ago
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