
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Top 10 paddles of 2012 - #6

On September 9th Clyde, Dean, Hazen and I paddled from Quidi Vidi to Cape Spear.  Cape Spear is the most easterly point of North America so its always a significant place to visit.  Leaving Quidi Vidi the paddle starts dominated by red sandstone cliffs.

And, a scoot across the entrance to St. John's Harbour.  Always have to be looking both ways to avoid being run over by passing traffic.

We follow the cliffs southerly into Freshwater Bay.

The land is lower at the bottom of Freshwater Bay fronted by a giant cobble bar.

Paddling out along the other side of Freshwater Bay the rocks are covered by bird droppings.

Dean at Spriggs Point. 

When we arrived at Cape Spear we paddled out past the Cape to have a look down the coast.  We were surprised to see three kayakers coming up from the direction of Petty Harbour.  They were friends of ours Des, Gerard and Linda.

We hung out for a bit before riding the southeast wind and waves back to Quidi Vidi.  I try to get out to the Cape every year.  The key to a safe trip is to pick the right day and on that day we did.  Not a lot of our fellow paddlers get out there so, when I do, its a highlight of my paddling year.

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