
Thursday, March 14, 2013

General audience shots of Bay Bulls

Sunday Hazen, Neville and I were in Bay Bulls for a shortish paddle of just under 11 kms.  I posted shots of our paddle but some were X-rated so I was requested to withdraw them.  I won't expand on that.  I looked through the pictures of the day to pick out the general audience shots and what I was left with were pics of Hazen as we approached North Head.  As we got closer to the Head and out of the protection of the land we felt the fury of the North Atlantic.

Some shots of Hazen paddling out to stick his nose into the breeze just to document the day on my blog for completeness.


  1. Wow, can't believe somebody asked you to take those pictures down. The kayaking community here in NL can be very very sensitive to something that they deem not safe. Its your blog, your life, I'd say put the pics up. Some people need to grow up/get a life. Sheesh!

  2. Brian, it wasn't worth causing a fuss about. I was asked politely, considered their feelings and took them down. No biggie, we still got a paddle in!

    Tony :-)

  3. I'm guessing that it was the paddler involved who requested the pictures not be posted. If so, then that is certainly fair enough of a request.

  4. There were other considerations at play Sean.

    Tony :-)
